Private Yoga is...

-Convenient: We come to your home or location of choice at a time that works for you.
-Personalized: Focus on what your specific needs are in your practice, whether that is stress relief, flexibility and fitness or spiritual connection...or all of the above! 
-Non-intimidating: Yoga is about having a practice that is non-judgmental with no expectation.  The comfort of your own space helps to promote this for the person who may be weary of the group atmosphere.

In addition to Individual private yoga lessons, we also offer:
-Girlfriends Session- Have a group of friends over for a fun night of stress relief and fitness.  If you don't have room in your home, we can take it to the park!
-Couples- Great for groups or just you and your special someone.  This is a fun and different way to bond and help re-ignite that flame through breathing and partner poses.
-Wedding Stress Relief- Let us hang out with you the morning of your special day and help you to forget the stresses so you can just be in the moment!

Focus on Christ: We will happily integrate our love for Christ into any of these private sessions if requested.  Yoga is a wonderful way to explore our connection with our Creator!
private yoga lessons